8 Secrets To Easy Ironing

Does ironing take you too much time? Are you fed up of “melting” in front of the iron, especially when the summer heat doesn’t help with the task? Well, there are some tricks to make it easier and avoid ironing those clothes that can get by unnoticed, even with a few creases. Let’s find out a few survival tactics:

1. After washing, use a “soft” spin so that the clothes come out less crumpled. If your sheets stay too long in the washing machine, it will be more difficult to sort them out without the help of an iron.

2. Hang them out in the best, most spread out way possible – the ironing process really starts here. Avoid creating strange folds, and, above all, don’t use clothes pegs.

3. Don’t fold your clothes in half over the line, to avoid leaving unsightly folds or imprints. In this case, the technique is to attach the hems along the line, leaving the garment to hang down completely, always with the neck at the bottom.

4. Try to “iron with your hands” on damp clothes, to smooth out the fabric as much as possible.

5. Beat vigorously, pull flat, and carefully fold household linens: sheets, cloths, pillowcases and tablecloths. After this treatment, they will only be very lightly creased.

6. Hang t-shirts and tops with the neck over a hanger, and when they are still a little damp, smooth them out with your hands, especially at the most critical points (neck, armholes and seams).

7. Treat shirts in the same way as t-shirts, and then they will only need a few strokes of the iron.

8. Putting your laundry in drawers helps with ironing: indeed, the weight of the clothes provides a great “ironing” effect.

In any case, don’t forget to use Perfect Easy-Iron, from the new Mister Magic Magnificent line. It helps your iron move more smoothly, making the ironing process easier.