How To Get Rid Of Bacteria And Viruses By Cleaning Your Food And Your Kitchen

Food and drink, even if it looks fine and everything seems to be intact, can contain hidden dangers. It is enough for a certain food to have been touched by hands unknowingly contaminated with pathogens at some point in the supply chain, between production and distribution. Bacteria, viruses and parasites that are dangerous for our health once ingested can cause many diseases if they manage to override our defensive barriers.

To defend ourselves against possible diseases transmitted through food and drinks, it is important to follow the rules for prevention suggested by the World Health Organisation. These go from taking care to choose only food that has undergone adequate safety treatments (pasteurisation, cooking at high temperatures, deep-freezing procedures, etc.), to paying meticulous attention to hand hygiene.

When it comes to plants, vegetables and fruit that will be eaten raw, it is advisable to wash them in a solution of 20% sodium hypochlorite (found at the pharmacy) or bicarbonate of soda in cold water. Foods for cooking should be cooked at temperatures above 70°C and eaten immediately after cooking.

A special recommendation regards taking care to ensure that all the surfaces of your kitchen – the counters, utensils, containers, and appliances such as fridges, dishwashers, blenders etc. – are perfectly clean and treated with products that guarantee hygienic conditions.

For effective sanitation of your kitchen and your appliances, you can use Mister Magic Stovetop Cleaner and Mister Magic Fridge and Microwave Cleaner.